Name | Description |
/catchlist | Manage tracking and reminders for your rare catches from manual hunting. |
/catchlist view+5 optional See a list of all your tracked rare catches. /catchlist update+2 optionalConfigure what ranks you wish to track and get reminders for. | |
/chart | See an informational chart for different topics. |
/charttopic See an informational chart for different topics. | |
/collectibles | Manage your OwO collectibles. |
/collectibles list+1 optional List all collectibles you own. /collectibles compareuserCompare your collectibles with someone else's. /collectibles viewname+1 optionalView a single collectible. /collectibles set+4 optionalView or manage your collectible settings. | |
/config | Configure the server's settings. |
/config+5 optional Configure the server's settings. | |
/dex | Dex any animal from OwO bot, including custom patreons. |
/dexname+2 optional Dex any animal from OwO bot, including custom patreons. | |
/donate | Donate to support the development of NeonUtil! |
/donate+1 optional Donate to support the development of NeonUtil! | |
/event | Learn about OwO's current event, if there is one. |
/event Learn about OwO's current event, if there is one. | |
/fableds | View weapons in OwO that are or can be rerolled to be fabled. |
/fableds list+2 optional See a list of all fabled weapons I have logged. /fableds owned-byuserSee all the fabled weapons a user owns. /fableds viewidView information about a fabled weapon. | |
/hb-calc | Get statistics about your huntbot. |
/hb-calc+1 optional Get statistics about your huntbot. | |
/huntbot | Simulate an OwO huntbot claim. |
/huntbotcount+3 optional Simulate an OwO huntbot claim. | |
/info | See information about the bot. |
/info See information about the bot. | |
/log | Create a better log link for a battle. |
/log+1 optional Create a better log link for a battle. | |
/profile | Try out different wallpapers on your OwO profile. |
/profilewallpaper+3 optional Try out different wallpapers on your OwO profile. | |
/reroll-calc | View details about a reroll. |
/reroll-calc+1 optional View details about a reroll. | |
/settings | See or modify your personal settings. |
/settings+3 optional See or modify your personal settings. | |
/shop | See all weapons in the OwO shop at once. |
/shop See all weapons in the OwO shop at once. | |
/team | Use different team utilities. |
/team show Show your team(s). /team createname+3 optionalCreate a new team. /team setposition+3 optionalSet an animal and/or weapon at a given position. /team update+5 optionalUpdate your selected team. /team battle+6 optionalSimulate a battle between two teams. /team syntaxLearn more about the syntax of a team blueprint. | |
/userinfo | Get information about a user. |
/userinfo+1 optional Get information about a user. | |
/vote | Support the bot by voting! |
/vote+1 optional Support the bot by voting! | |
/weapon | A collection of weapon-based utilities. |
/weapon view+2 optional View a weapon's properties such as its stats. /weapon describe+2 optionalSee a weapon or passive's description, stat ranges, and recommendations. /weapon inv helpLearn about the weapon inventory feature. /weapon inv set+2 optionalView or manage your weapon inventory settings. /weapon inv view+2 optionalView your saved weapon inventory. /weapon inv orb+3 optionalView a table of your orb passive combinations. /weapon inv check+1 optionalCheck if your saved weapon list is up-to-date. /weapon inv deletequeryDelete weapons that you have dismantled. | |
/xp-calc | Calculate the XP/number of battles needed for your pets to level up. |
/xp-calc+2 optional Calculate the XP/number of battles needed for your pets to level up. | |
/zoo | Inspect a zoo in OwO |
/zoo search+4 optional Search for animals in your zoo with certain stats. /zoo value+1 optionalCalculate the amount of cowoncy and essence your zoo or huntbot claim is worth. |